Sacha Yanow: Cherie Dre

Oct 25-27, 2018

Sacha Yanow: Cherie Dre
Through movement, text, and music, Yanow creates an intimate history of the Jewish Borscht Belt, mental illness, cultural assimilation, political repression, and gender trouble, from the Bronx to the Catskills.

Written and performed by Sacha Yanow
Director: Caitlin Sullivan
Choreographer: Faye Driscoll
Voice and Sound: Holland Andrews
Video: Sasha Wortzel
Set: Cate McCrea
Costumes: Ásta Hostetter
Lighting: Alejandro Fajardo
Outside Eyes: Morgan Bassichis
Creative Producer: Melissa Levin

Danspace Project at St. Mark’s Church
131 East 10th St. New York, NY 10003

Still from video for Sacha Yanow: Cherie Dre

Still from video for Sacha Yanow: Cherie Dre